vrijdag 10 december 2010

Twitter when visiting conferences

Twitter is a great tool to use when attending a Conference/Event. This will stimulate, motivate and inspire your (fellow-)Students ("Motivation is contagious!" Seeing that someone is motivated leads to more commitment and better performance, even on other tasks. Cite from Jeroen Bottema)

You ask your -Colleagues,Students and Family to follow you on http://twitter.com and send them your twitter account and -if you know that allready- a Hash tag .

(a Hash-tag is a short word starting with '#' that people insert in their messages when twitting on a specific subject. This is often the conferencename fe. #oeb10 for "Online Educa Berlin 2010" ).

You 'tweet' your

-interesting impressions,
-links to presentations
-Hash tags

Colleagues, (fellow-)Students and Friends (and fellow conference guests) will now get 'live' information from your exiting impressions.

It is a good idea to also publish your impressions more extensive on a Blog (like this).

Click here for: The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook for Teachers

ps. Twitter does NOT specificly need an internet enabled phone. You can Twit perfectly well from a 'normal'PC/laptop.

Example of tweets on Online Educa 2010:

Extension of submission deadline for Mobile Learning Conference to Jan 7th 2011 #Bremen http://bit.ly/mlcb2011 #mlcb #cfp #oeb10

RT @andyjb: http://andysblackhole.blogspot.com/2010/12/i-was-plan-b-for-online-educa.html moral dont look behind when presenting #oeb10

Working with my notes from #oeb10 Still impressed by Arian Sannier ,The third Way. But dancing with the Danish lady was also a pleasure!

http://andysblackhole.blogspot.com/2010/12/i-was-plan-b-for-online-educa.html moral dont look behind when presenting #oeb10

@heikephilp On our blog: Bridging the Ocean: Miami/Berlin #OEB10 #OEB2010 http://goo.gl/1UHtK mentioned yours :)

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